Approximately 30 rooms have been pre-booked among the following hotels:

A) Classic hotel (***):

Prices (euro): Single room=70 (78 with breakfast), double room used as a single room=80 (88 with breakfast), double room=105 (121 with breakfast). Walking distance to reach the venue: 20 minutes.

B) Betania hotel (***):

Prices (euro): Double room used as a single room with breakfast=121.55, double room with breakfast=126.65. Walking distance to reach the venue: 10 minutes.

C) Convitto della Calza (***):

Prices (euro): Double room used as a single room with breakfast=89, double room with breakfast=104. Walking distance to reach the venue: 23 minutes.

In order to get the discounted price use the promotional code “ERATEC”. The block reservation is valid until:

July 31, 2015

Please beware that the hotels do not hold the rooms any longer than this date.

D) Villa Agape Firenze:

It is really close to the Observatory and where about 10 rooms have been blocked for the Workshop.

Prices range from 80 up to 110 euro for the single room (and around 125 euro for double room).

This block reservation is valid until beginning of July, so it will expire quite soon.

You can find a public bus service (number 38 A) provided by ATAF from Piazza della Calza to Largo E. Fermi ( 38.aspx?idC=180&idO=0&Linea=38&LN=en-US). In the morning, the bus leaves from Piazza della Calza around 8:10, 8:25 and 9:25.


  • September 1, 2015 : Registration deadline
  • September 1, 2015 : Abstract submission deadline


Limited financial assistance can be provided for speakers and eventually attendees. For more information, please:

Contact Us


The abstracts will be made available as a workshop worksheet. Presentations will be published on the Internet after the meeting and authors will be asked to proivide an authorized copy of their presentation